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EC: Setup labelViews:113times
Open Label: Select one feature layer (point layer, line layer or polygon layer), right-click the mouse, then click [Setup label] to open the [Label] dialog. Usage: Point layer, for example. 1. Common → Label by → Built in name (1) Select a point and right-click the mouse, click [Rename]. (2) Pop up the [Rename] dialog. Enter 'Point 01', click [OK]. 2. Common → Label by → Attribute field (1) Click the [...] button to open the [Field selector] dialog. Select a field name (From Attribute table), click the [OK] button. (2) Shown: 3. Background → Shape type: Rectangle, Square, Ellipse, and Circle 4. Background → Scale X: Width of backgroud shape to Length of string ratio Scale Y: Height of backgroud shape to Height of string ratio 5. Text style → Type case: No change, All uppercase, All lowercase, and Capitalize first letter 6. Offset and Rotation