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EC: Attribute table__Select by attributesViews:67times
Summarize: Select features based on an attribute query. The select by attributes dialog: Usage: • Query expressions base on NSPredicate. • Double click one field name, the field name will be written into the following box. • = • If the field type is Character type, the strings must always be enclosed within single quotes. For example: Field1='European' ⇒ The second feature is selected. • If the field type is Integer or Double type. For example: Field2=33 ⇒ The third feature is selected. • >= The field type must be Integer or Double type. For example: Field2 >= 22 ⇒ The second, third and fourth features are selected. • > The field type must be Integer or Double type. For example: Field2 > 24 ⇒ The third and fourth features are selected. • LIKE The field type must be Character type. * means that anything is acceptable in its place: one character, a hundred characters, or no character. ? means one character is acceptable in its place. For example: Field1 LIKE 'As*' ⇒ The first and fourth features are selected. Field1 LIKE 'A?i?*' ⇒ The first and fourth features are selected. • <= The field type must be Integer or Double type. For example: Field2 <= 22 ⇒ The first and second features are selected. • < The field type must be Integer or Double type. For example: Field2 < 22 ⇒ The first feature is selected. • != The field type must be Character, Integer or Double type. For example: Field1 != 'Asia' ⇒ The second and third features are selected. Field2 != 22 ⇒ The first, third and fourth features are selected. • NOT • Use the NOT operator at the beginning of an expression to find features or records that don't match the specified expression. For example: NOT Field1 = 'Asia' ⇒ The second and third features are selected. • NOT expressions can be combined with AND and OR. For example: Field1 = 'Asia' AND NOT Field2=44 ⇒ The first feature is selected. • AND For example: Field1 != 'Asia' AND Field2=44 ⇒ The fourth feature is selected. • OR For example: Field1 != 'European' AND Field2=33 ⇒ The second and third features are selected. • '' single quotes